Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sprouting Broccoli

Remember my "extra" purchases from Mountain Rose Herbs from this post?  I bought broccoli sprouting seeds and a sprouting screen to use with a mason jar.  Well, they are sprouted! They were super easy to grow.  And apparently they're good for you!  ;)

Here's what I did:

Day1 - Soak sprouts over night
Day 2 - Drain and rinse sprouts, then place in a sunny window.  Sadly, I don't have a sunny window, but it still worked.

Day 3 - Rinse, Drain, put back in window

Day 4 - Repeat

Day 5 - Repeat

Day 6 - Rinse, and apparently these are supposed to be done in 6 days.  

Unfortunately, my lid got rusty, so I don't feel very good about trying this batch.

 I plan on starting another batch tonight using a cheesecloth and a rubber band.  Hopefully, that will work out.

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