Saturday, January 28, 2012

homemade chapstick

Sometimes you need/want to buy one or two items that can't be found in any nearby store and you have to buy it online.  Then the one or two items you need don't cost very much and the sites require that you order a minimum amount, say $25 worth of stuff.  Then you search their site for an hour trying to figure out what extra $10+ worth of stuff you think you might actually be able to use. Well, that happened twice last week. 

I ordered some oils from Mountain Rose Herbs and ended up with face lotion, broccoli sprouting seeds, and a sprouting screen.  Then I ordered some fragrances from Sweet Cakes to use in some future lotion recipes and I ended up buying some chapstick tubes as well.  Which aren't all bad purchases as I have been wanting to try them for a while anyway.

So, this morning I made chapstick using a recipe from one of my favorite blogs A Sonoma Garden.  It is thanks to this blog that I no longer feel like a complete weirdo for not using shampoo.  But that is a topic for another post!

I have made a few of her lotion recipes and have been wanting to try her chapstick recipe.  Last winter I made lip balm in little tubs, but I don't really like sticking my finger in it and smearing it all over my lips.  It's an OCD thing.  Again, topic for another post.

You can find her recipe here.  Surprisingly, I actually followed her recipe pretty closely. 

The recipe uses beeswax, cocoa butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and vitamin E.

All the ingredients except the vitamin E in my pyrex.  Then I microwaved mine until the beeswax melted.

Then added the vitamin E.

Poured the liquid into the chapstick tubes.

Here they are.  They turned out pretty nice.  I like how they kind of melt as they hit my lips.  I also like the slight scent of coconut.  As I was making them, I was thinking that I should have added some flavorings to my Sweet Cakes order.  I will probably find myself searching their site for $25 worth of stuff again soon!  Now I have enough tubes of chapstick to keep one in every room!


  1. How cool!! I'm impressed at your daily efforts.

    Also, have you ever done anything with stained glass? I am painting over the pink/purple stained glass in our living room with brown/ blue stained glass paint from hobby lobby. The blue worked well, but the pink just looks orange now. Would adding black to light brown paint help? I'm having a hard time finding dark brown paint...

  2. the only "stained" glass I have worked with was a super ugly decal on our bathroom window, which has been replaced with a simple frost now! That sounds cool though! I bet you could just add black to darken up the brown. That's what I would do! You should send me a picture. I would love to see it!

  3. i just reread my post and found all kinds of grammatical errors. I guess I shouldn't try to post something while the kids are yelling and pulling on my leg!

  4. Haha, I honestly didn't notice a thing, friend. :) I will definitely show you before and after pics!
