Sunday, January 22, 2012

Iced Coffee!

This morning I NEEDED coffee.  I only slept three hours last night because I drank a soda late (7pm...  haha).  I almost never drink soda, but it was a friend's birthday party so it was a special occasion. (I know. Staying up late and drinking soda!  I'm wild!)  I didn't think it would be enough caffeine to keep me up, but it sure did.

Needless to say, I was grumpy this morning and not looking forward to getting the kids ready for church.  Luckily, last night I had prepared my Pinterest project for today: Iced Coffee.  I LOVE iced coffee drinks!  So when I saw all the iced coffee drinks on pinterest I knew I had to try it for sure!

I followed this recipe and directions from the Pioneer Woman's website.  Haha, did I just say I followed a recipe?  I didn't actually follow the recipe.  I used it more like a guideline, like I do all recipes.  I told you I'm wild! 

Last night I dumped an unmeasured amount of old starbucks coffee in a bowl and poured an unmeasured amount of water into it and let it sit over night.  This morning I strained the water off through a cheesecloth.  

 I got a little impatient with my pouring and made a mess of the cheesecloth, so I had to strain it again.  Slowly this time...

  I felt like I had to use a mason jar too.  You know, 'cause they're cool.  
Did you know they make lids to turn your canning jars into travel mugs? 

Yep, saw it on Pinterest.  Doubt I would ever spend money on it, but looks cool!

Soy milk for my "cream".  I always order soy at Starbucks too. :)

You all should really try this one.  It was CRAZY delicious.  This was seriously just what my morning needed.  After just one gulp, my mood was suddenly cheerful and ready to calmly deal with my three year old's temper!  Not sure if it was due to the caffeine, or the awesome flavor.  I don't really care either way!  This may be my new obsession.  So long as I only drink it in the morning! 

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