Sunday, October 3, 2010

sorry for the loooong break I took over the summer

Sorry to those of you who keep checking my blog to see if I have any new posts...  :(  I have been lazy about posting anything over the summer.  With buying a new house, feeling crummy from pregnancy, and lot of sewing, this blogging thing became a last priority.  However, we are pretty settled in and I'm feeling a LOT better now.  Hopefully I will get back to it!  I've done a lot of sewing over the summer and maybe I will share some of it with you!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First attempt at making a cloth diaper...

Last week I made my first cloth diaper to try out on miss K.  I wanted to start with an overnight kind of diaper.  Mostly because I am a little nervous about what to do with poo!  For the outer part of the diaper I used the ugliest PUL I could find at my local JoAnn's, which happened to be the only PUL available, and I used diaper flannel for the inner lining. and I left a slot in the back to add what I thought would be plenty of layers for soaking.  Actually, only 1 prefold insert would fit inside the slot and I figured that would be plenty.  It seemed so bulky!  Forgive me.  I am new to this cloth diapering thing!  Clearly, it wasn't enough soaking power.  When I woke the little lady up this morning, she was soaked from neck to knee.  Even her pillow was wet!  Yuck!  I am not sure how she slept in that!  Perhaps this diaper will work fine in the daytime, but it certainly isn't soaky enough for night time!  I will have to try again.