Friday, August 19, 2011

what is more exciting than a new pair of shoes?

A new foot!  I bought a gathering foot for my sewing machine and tested it out today...  I LOVE it!  This is going to make all those lovely ruffled flower girl dresses much easier!  Now off to find something that needs ruffles!   I am pretty sure I heard Captain Morgan mention something about needing ruffles added to his underpants....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sew Retro Class!

Well, the baby is almost 6 months old now, and while I am still not getting nearly as much sleep as I would like, I am dying to get back to sewing.  AND this sad little blog has sat empty for too long.  SO, yesterday I got an email from Burda style about a new online course called SewRetro: Perfect Bombshell Dresses.  It looks awesome, so I signed up!  I am stoked about this type of go at your own pace online class, since I have two wee ones that don't sleep!  My goal is to get this dress done in time for Christmas.  Hopefully, three and a half months is enough time!

Follow along and watch the progress!