Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Valentine's day is only three weeks away

and I have zero themed decorations.  Don't you have to decorate according to the holidays/seasons once you have kids?  Maybe not.  Anyway, today I finished up a small canvas I started yesterday.

I did use Pinterest as my inspiration, but not any one certain site.  So, I can't really point you to any specific tutorial.  I just looked at a few ideas then worked with what I had collecting dust in the basement.
Here is my arsenal:

Acrylic paint, crackle medium, mod podge, newpaper, and a small canvas.  I have an embarrassing number of these small square canvases that I need to use.  So expect to see several upcoming projects using them!  

Paint a layer of black paint.  Let dry.  Add crackle medium.  Let dry.  Add layer of blue paint.  Let dry.

Then you have something that looks a little like this.

Then I painted some newspaper red, cut out a heart shape and mod podeged it on the canvas.  (I can use mod podge as a verb right?)

I printed out the words I wanted, because I have the handwriting of a third grader.  I thought I would rub the ink off onto the canvas so I could draw over it, but I forgot to print the mirror image.  So I just mod podged them on there.  I kind of like the look of the paper on there anyway.  

Add to shelf with some felt roses and voila!  I have a smidgen of v-day decor.

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