Monday, February 27, 2012

Honest Advice Appreciated

So, I have been slowly working on the stenciled curtains.  Verrry slooowly!  At my current rate they should be finished in about six weeks...   I need your advice...  from all three of my readers!  haha

Not only are they taking a LONG time, but they aren't turning out as nice as I would like.  The problems:  1. The fabric is a loose weave so the paint spreads a little as it soaks into the fabric.  It isn't really that bad, but I'm not getting a crisp line.  I can probably let that slide.  2. They shrank in the wash, so I am redoing the hem on each one to make it a little longer and the previous hem line isn't disappearing when I iron them.  3.  This is my main problem, and Mr. B's too, the tops are SUPER hard to stencil because of all the fabric folds I am trying to stencil over.  Stenciling over lumps.  So, the paint is bleeding all over the place.


So, really, the mistakes aren't too noticeable at first glance, but if you actually look at them there are pretty obvious mistakes which I'm not too excited about.  I really don't want just plain curtains, but I don't want to put up sloppy curtains either.  So, what do you think?  Continue on, accepting a few mistakes?  Or, throw in the towel (curtain?) and then either live with bland curtains, or buy new ones?


  1. I think they look awesome! If you can live with them the way they are, that's what i would do!Sometimes craft'resses are too hard on them selves. Keep up the good work!

  2. I think they look good. I wouldn't worry about the paint running near the tops---the way curtains bunch it's not noticeable. I'm posting a few links that may save you time in not stenciling so much---by adding a different color panel--and you wouldn't have to worry about re-hemming them all. I don't know what color panel you would do--black would work, but an awesome contrast color would be cool too--maybe an orangey red?

    And just because I typed a lot, doesn't mean you have to take my advice:) They look good as is.

    Glad you've got your Mizzou flag flying, hopefully come Final Four time your neighbors will know what it means;)

    1. I love the orangey-red color idea, but not sure if it would be too wild for an adult's living room! hehehe

      thanks for the links. Those are good ideas. I think I will probably do this. I want to get to curtain rods and hang them up higher if I add the panel I could do that.

  3. I think they look great in the second picture. Nobody sees your curtains from 6 inches away, you know? How many more panels are you doing? What do they look like in person? May need to do a drive by :)

    1. Hey, did you rename your blog? I didn't know who you were until I looked! haha It is possible that only very discriminating people would ever really notice, except now that I have told everyone to check them out!

  4. LOVE. And any imperfections you see, being the artist, I'm sure aren't nearly as noticeable to people just hanging out in the living room. They are super cute. And the Missouri flag in the window is a nice touch. ;)

  5. I really like your curtains. Something I discovered with stenciling on material... maybe you already know about freezer paper? Super cheap and you just iron it on. Gives really nice clean lines. :) I really enjoy reading your blog.
