Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Eating Eden

One of my new favorite blogs about eating food the way God intended it is by my friend, Mindy, over at Eating Eden

 Today, she asked me to guest post my recipe for granola.  Check it out!  Thanks, Mindy, I'm honored!

I've been making several of her recipes and one that I actually took pictures of is of her simple yet delicious idea for Banana Cookies.  My kids love them! (and so do I)

Here is how ours turned out.  Hers look a lot prettier than mine.  :D

Now, I just need to try making whole wheat graham crackers...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I absolutely love those banana cookies, don't you? They're so good :)

    Let me know if you find a good recipe for graham crackers; I've also thought about making them myself too!
