Monday, February 20, 2012

No I haven't given up on the blog already

I'm just trying to get those darn curtains done, while taking care of two wee ones whose naps rarely seem to collide.  I feel guilty spending too much time on crafty things while they're awake if they can't help me out.  I had a few set backs.  Sick kids and then the curtains weren't tuning out very nice at all. So, I ended up buying a couple new curtains and am using a new technique that is working much nicer.  I am also having to rehem the curtains longer since they shrank in the wash...  Someday, I will be able to move on to another project!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see photos of curtain successes and failures along the way. :) Glad to hear that you have not given up the blog.

    And ah, I remember cobbler searching with you, too! Fun(ny) day. Wish I could schedule some Michelle time, too!! Hurrah, you feel the exact same way about pets as us. I do not want to lay my head on a couch pillow that a dog has sat on ... especially a tail-less dog (cough, Maude, ha!). Later, friend!
