Saturday, February 11, 2012

Borax Carpet Cleaner

I sometimes let Miss K eat in the living room.  First mistake.  Sometimes I let her eat a tomato based soup in the living room.  Second mistake.  One time I left the bowl on the end table while taking her to the bathroom and leaving little brother alone in the living room.  Last mistake.  Mr. T climbed up on the end table and helped himself to the leftovers, and made a huge mess.  There was tomato soup all over the him, the end table, the couch, and the carpet...  We also had people coming over.  Souper!  I remembered seeing carpet cleaner on a list of the many uses for Borax and thought maybe I could try it.  I use Borax to make laundry soap so I always have plenty around.
The back of the box says for carpet cleaning to mix 1/2 cup of Borax in 1 pint of water.  Spray on carpet and leave half an hour then rinse.  Well, I never really follow directions.  So, I dumped a little borax in a spray bottle and added water.  
One of the small stains before:

I sprayed the stain, but didn't wait.  I just scrubbed it and voila!  I really worked!  

Stain after:

It worked on the couch too, but I forgot to take pictures of it. 

1 comment:

  1. I just saw you're doing a blog, but I wanted to tell you that dish soap works great as a carpet cleaner too. I'm not sure about tomato based food, but it got out baby food squash and sweet potatoes.
    How I do it...put some dish soap in a bowl and then add water. Scoop out the bubbles and put on the stain, wait a few minutes and then scrub out.
