Saturday, February 25, 2012

Do you taste that?

Tonight I made brownies... with a can of black beans.  Cue evil laughter.  Yes, I fed my family black bean brownies.  Seems cruel, but we can't use eggs around here due to food allergies.  I am also trying to move our family slowly toward eating only real foods.  And, yes, I know the brownie mix I used does not count as "real" food.  But I'm not going to throw away everything in our pantry just to start anew. 

I used an organic brownie mix and 1 can of black beans.  I rinsed and blended the black beans with a little water, then added them to the brownie mix.  I baked them for 35 min at 350 degrees.

And, no, I can't taste the beans at all.  The only thing I noticed was a slight beany texture, but I wonder if I would really think that if I hadn't known what was in them.  The only draw back to these brownies is that they will likely make me gassier than regular brownies...   :D


  1. Nice! I used a cookbook called deceptively delicious that was a great jumping off point. Pureed beets in pancakes, broccoli in ramen, spinach and cauliflower in spaghetti sauce, pureed chickpeas in chocolate chip cookies. I’m going to try black bean brownies soon! Nice tip!

  2. That's a mean trick to play on Brandon:)
